Episode 7: Get a Room! And Three Other Ways to Navigate Sex During the Holiday Season

Happy holidays from Jeremiah and Julia! We are taking a break from our Seven Deadly Sexual Sins (According to the Church) series and talking about how to navigate the challenges of the holiday season.

In this episode, Jeremiah and Julia discuss two ways that sexuality can be hard during the holidays:

1) Privacy (5:30). Jeremiah reflects, “You may be surrounded by more people than usual. Or perhaps you're sharing walls with family members or ceilings with family members. For some folks, the risk of being caught can be really sexy, but for others, this can really kill the sex vibe, especially when you're surrounded by family or friends who may hold sexual values that don't align with yours.”

2) The general pressure of the holidays (22:15): Julia describes the pressure “to have the best sex ever because you've got time off from work and you finally have more than a short chunk of time for a sexual experience…With the implicit or explicit messaging that the holidays are a romantic a season, and for many people, not all people, romance and sex occur together, and by default, then, sex has to be filled with some sort of holiday magic.”

We provide several Relationship 101 tips during the episode, including:

  1. If possible, get a separate space for you and your partner from family and friends. (18:00)

  2. Give yourself permission to not have sexual experiences. (21:00)

  3. Talk with your partner about the pressures connected with the holidays, and how that might impact accessing sexuality. (29:30)

  4. Create transition spaces in and out of sexual experiences, especially for those that happen outside of your place of residence. (31:55)

Have a fantastic holiday season! Let’s heal together!


Episode 8: Christmas: Going to Church When You Don’t Go to Church Anymore


Episode 6: Deadly Sexual Sin #4 (According to the Church): Don’t Have an Affair, part 2