Episode 2: Deadly Sexual Sin #1 (According to the Church): Don’t Have Sex Before You Get Married

Welcome back to Church, and Julia and Jeremiah's Wednesday night mid-week class called the Seven Deadly Sexual Sins. Today, we talk about the first of the sins, which is also the apex of Purity Culture:

Don't have sex before you get married.

And as Jeremiah and Julia discuss, the Evangelical Church has collaborated with policy makers to ensure that abstinence only sex education is infused throughout public schools nationwide.

The Evangelical Church suggests three ways that sexual experiences will be blissful for those who wait until marriage to have sex. 

1) You and your spouse will be able to intuit each other's needs. 

2) Your honeymoon will be the most incredible experience of your life. 

3) Sex will be spontaneous, and will flow naturally without any need to discuss it. 

Remember: These three lessons fit into the last week's episode, Don't Talk About Sex.

To be fair, most couples have a sexual relationship that only occasionally fits into these three categories, but what happens when these three ways no longer work for your relationship, and you lack a foundation of sexual literacy to talk about the types of sexual experiences you'd like to have?

Jeremiah and Julia discuss strategies to base a healthy sexual relationship. Learn more about: 

1) The eight characteristics of optimal sexual experiences, from Peggy Kleinplatz's and Dana Menard’s book Magnificent Sex

2) How to identify and disrupt the sexual shame cycle.

3) How to develop your own sexual menu practice.

Check out the full transcript of the episode on Descript!

Let’s heal together!


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Episode 1: Seven Deadly Sexual Sins (According to the Church): A Preview